Fine Sometimes Rain Chapter 11 – P16
Hey everyone! So I’m gonna kinda sorta pre-announce that yes a Fine Sometimes Rain Volume 1 GN Kickstarter is coming. I have the first volume pre-pressed now and it’s being proofed. A kickstarter is a huge endeavor and also very scary! (>_<;;) But I am working hard on figuring this stuff out and I'm hoping to launch something in late April or early March. Anyway I hope you will all lend me your support when the time comes! I know I'm just going to be a ball of gross nerves. (>w<;;) Also on a side note I've revamped my art/comic newsletter which you can sign up to using this link, or by clicking the newsletter box to the right. Basically I plan to do a monthly newsletter that gives you sneak peeks into what I am working on and also hopefully offer some other goodies in the future as well. 🙂 Current newsletter subscribers already got a preview of the new GN cover last week!
Oh, that could have been so much worse if Siggi had held the match rather than toss it. I’ve seen flames reach out six feet from a gasoline-drenched pile of wood. Those two were a bit closer than that.
And have we now at least learned our lesson about why lighter fluid is a bad idea, Siggi? If so, then I’ll move on to hoping that the fireworks aren’t as dangerous as the bonfire!