Fine Sometimes Rain Chapter 08 – P31
So don’t forget this is the last update until I return from vacation! Normal updates will resume on January 23rd barring any unforeseen circumstances. In the meantime though I have two guest comics lined up! There will be one guest comic each week I am gone, and I’ll give you a little a little teaser that they both involve one of your favorite comic felines, Frida! XD So even though I will be gone please stop by and check out my guest artist’s hard work, oh and vote for the comic too lol! XD When we are able to sit near the top of the 200 list this means the comic is near the top on the second page of TWC and the site sees more traffic which is super helpful!
Panic time! … No, don’t panic, really.
And have a great vacation, Amy!
Haha, thanks!
I actually already had to take a anti anxiety med today and I am doing much better. I just have to get through tomorrow and then I can relax…at least until the flight home! :O
I’m guessing rfaramir was referring to Georgia… but I hope neither of you is panicing. Have a great trip.
Enjoy your vacation. Just remember to keep your phone charged, unlike your character Georgia.
It’s worse when it’s from MOM.
Here comes the text spam. XD;;