Fine Sometimes Rain Chapter 15 – P31
Of course their end table would also include a cat shaming photo next to their wedding photo. X’D Actually that last panel was planned a long long time ago too.
Of course their end table would also include a cat shaming photo next to their wedding photo. X’D Actually that last panel was planned a long long time ago too.
I sincerely hope, though, that Frida didn’t have to wear the cone of shame to the wedding 😛
At first glance I thought Frida had a toilet seat on her head. I was thinking deja vu, because my cat, who is a tamed feral cat, a designated outdoor cat, recently got in the back door by accident, and fell in the shit-bucket when I yelled at her, and made a tremendous mess in the house, bouncing off windows and knocking things over, before I could get her out. Wonderful cat, a little miracle that came to me when I needed it, and a killing machine when it comes to rodents, but not suited for indoors. She has a bed by the back porch for good weather, and a little house with hay in it under my house for when it’s cold and wet.
I built my cat a little outdoor bungalow, insulated, with a heated bed and a heat lamp. I wish he could be in the house, but my housemate has serious allergies, so I snuggle with him outside mostly.
Wow, so they got married! I’m only just now catching up and this is a wonderful ending (so far) to the story. Wonder if they’ll get back to the beach house before the end?