Fine Sometimes Rain Chapter 04 – P05
Hope everyone had a nice weekend. I was bad and totally ate a bunch of Easter candy of course. Gotta get back on the bandwagon this week, don’t want to gain any weight!!
EDIT!! I’m editing this post to say that the Filthy Figments comic anthology Kickstarter I’m in is now live!! Please support us and help spread the word, if we are successful I get an extra payday! 😀
I always wondered how some friends have been together since childhood.
I have quite a few friends from childhood but a lot I’ve lost touch with because we just drifted apart I guess. It just becomes awkward I suppose.
I understand how you feel. I got back in touch with a couple people from my childhood via facebook. Since it’s through Facebook it’s like being a step removed you know? Either way my reaching out to them didn’t result in much since they both kinda dropped Facebook and so did I actually. ^^;;