So, I did it, I finally pulled together a Patreon page! Of course some of you may not be familiar with Patreon and may be wondering what it is. Basically Patreon is like a comics tip jar, where you can pledge anywhere from $1 to $100 or more per month to comics and their creators to help them, ya know, make a living and support themselves off of the art they post for free online, so they can continue to post their art online for free. What you get out of the deal is usually bonus content, access to comic pages early and lots of other great stuff aside from the warm fuzzy feeling you will get knowing you are helping out your favorite artists.
Now here’s where I come in! I have a Patreon page where you can now help support my comics with monthly donations so maybe one day I might actually be able to make a living off of drawing comics. What you will get in return from me is not only the monthly comic pages you get (still for free), but also bonus content like planning sketches, comic thumbnails, pencils, inks…and a lot more depending on how much you donate. So if you can, please consider donating! I have a lot of cool behind the scenes stuff I can share with you and you can also help me reach my goals at becoming self sufficient off of my art alone!
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