Fine Sometimes Rain Vacation Guest Comic 02
Today’s guest comic is brought to you by Nisey, creator of The Good Prince on Smackjeeves and Before You Go on Sparkler Monthly. Both are super cute shoujo style comics that are very lighthearted and fun reads. I’m sure you will enjoy them, especially if you love a little shoujo drama! Here are the links again for your enjoyment:
Cute art ^^
Ohh! I’ve caught up with your comic!! I’m loving it so far!!
I’m also smelling a love triangle?? Of course, what Georgia needs is a bit of thrill ;D heheh~ I’m looking forward to your updates! >u<
I want to know more about the mysterious motorcyclist!! His lastname is Fawkes, so that means he’s related to the architecture firm Siggy is working at, right?? Can’t wait to see how everything ties together!
Whoa I didn’t even catch that. So the motorcyclist might be related to someone at Siggy’s work place….Wow.
Yay! I’m glad you’ve been enjoying my comic. As to your question… everything will be explained in due time, don’t wanna leak any spoilers!