Fine Sometimes Rain Chapter 09 – P32
Well, happy Memorial Day to those living in the US. I have today off so I will be enjoying a BBQ with my family and hopefully getting my brother to watch Car Boys. XD I am actually looking forward to having the next 3 days off because I hurt my back while lifting my nephew awkwardly and now there are many many regrets. It’s not as bad as when I had to go to PT for sciatica though, so I’m hoping some rest and heat will fix me up. Anyway today I will also be uploading another new video on YT. This one will be the companion to the last inking video and I will talk you through the tone process of the same page. Until I have a link for my video, you can just check out my youtube channel here:
When the video is live I will update with a direct link to it. Got lots of fun to have though sooo I dunno when it will go up. 😉
Make her laugh? Was he enrolled in Clown College?
Lol, does that actually exist as a thing?
Something boring but condusive to lucrative employment?
Surprised that graphic design would be considered a safe option. It’s the sort of job I would associate with unreliable, inconstant contract work and such.
If you are going into art, graphic design or teaching are the way to go. There are design houses and enough publications that have permanent staff. The small magazine I interned with had two on staff and one doubled as the AD. You can reasonably expect to be employed as a graphic designer if you took your coursework seriously….which is kind of a big if for some people! XD As for me I went the Art Ed route and discovered I absolutely hated it, so maybe I should have gone graphic design instead, it would have made more sense all things considered.
When it comes to money, graphic design or art teaching seem to be the only two options. 8\