Website “Window Shopping” XD – Mandarake

So I guess I’m “re-discovering” Mandarake after hearing someone gush about a new dolly purchase they made through them. Considering I’m always late to the party it seems, I’m sure everyone knows about this place, but if you don’t then keep reading, heck keep reading even if you do know cause it’s fun! 😀

I had already known about Mandarake and in fact I had ordered used manga from them back in the day when I was a more avid collector of manga. Apparently however back then I never bothered with any other sections of their site, and in truth I was not much interested in dolls back then either. Now that I am revisiting I am discovering they have this huge inventory of pre-owned toys and dolls, that I have been happily browsing for about an hour. In my idle browsing I have discovered that they sell a great deal of second hand Pullips, Dals and Blythes among other things. The Pullips and such though I found surprising because for example I saw a hard to find old Namu doll still in his box going for about $80ish, and an old Pullip Street going for a little less. Now I know that many collectors have paid quite a lot more for those dollies before, and even presuming you tack on EMS shipping, I think you’ll still pay less than you would finding those dolls on the secondhand market here in the US. With this said I think it’s possible to get a good dolly deal if you know what you’re looking for and keep track of the going market.

Aside from finding the occasional bargain, Mandarake also appears to have lots of vintage doll goods. There’s plenty of old school Liccas and Jennies to go around as well as a bunch of older dolls I don’t even recognize. Of course Mandarake knows when they have a good vintage item, so there will be no bargains there….then again I don’t know the going rate for a lot of those types of dolls, so I could be wrong. There’s also a ton of other little toys and knick knacks piled onto those pages, for example I just came across an old 50s bunka style doll, and a cute little egg shaped dollhouse chair, all for reasonable prices and I know it’s nothing I can never find around here. So basically if you have time to kill and some spare moo-lah in your wallet you might go have a browse to see what you can see. 😉

Fufufu….to be honest I’m scouting for something in particular, but I’m gonna keep quiet about it so I don’t jinx anything. 😉 Here is the link: enjoy! <3

New Craft Book Arrived

While I was ordering my brother’s birthday gift on Amazon, I went ahead and ordered myself this adorable “Felt Friends from Japan” book. I think it was the felt fawn on the front that really sold it for me, but it also boasts 86 toys and accessories you can make yourself. I haven’t had a chance to make anything out of the book yet since I’m still trying to finish the miniature dishes I posted about earlier, but the book looks very promising

This book has a nice mix of toy patterns as well as accessory patterns for things like coin purses and such. Aside from having patterns to make all of the different kinds of toys, it also has pages of cutout guides for making your own felt applique badges to add to whatever you like. The sewing instructions have lots of pictorial diagrams on how to do things so it should be fairly easy to follow. It also dedicates a page to beginner info on how to do certain embroidery stitches that are used to embellish your felt toys, as well as other tips for beginners. There are also a heaping helping of beautiful, clear images of tons of the cute creations, so the book also has the addes bonus of being full of eye candy.

Dolly Sized Plush Bunny


I was tinkering around with making small plush today that could be used for a doll toy, or even just a tiny toy for yourself. I came up with what I call the “gumdrop bunny”. Although I like it, I don’t know if anyone else will find it worthwhile though. I put a crit thread up on DoA about it to see if peeps are interested in this sort of thing. If there is any desire for this kind of thing I may consider making more, and in different colors too.

Aloha Bunny Plush

I’m offering Aloha Bunny up for sale again. You can purchase her through my etsy shop for $25.00.

Aloha Bunny measures approximately 10.5 inches tall from her ear tips to her feet. She is made of soft white fleece with felt and embroidery floss accents all of which are hand stitched so there are no glues involved. The little felt grass skirt and coconut bra are both removable, but the felt hibiscus is permanent. She also has a fluffy pon-pon bunny tail beneath her grass skirt. Her filling is a non-allergenic polyester fiberfill.

Domestic shipping and handling via Priority Mail is $5.00. Insurance is an extra $1.30 and is optional. International Shipping via Global Priority Mail is $10.00. If Global Priority Mail is too expensive I am willing to work with you to find less expensive shipping alternatives.

My preferred method of payment is paypal although I do accept money orders. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have about my goods, payment, shipping, and etc… You can contact me at genkigirl.sales(at)gmail(dot)com.