Latest Project – Unoa Jeans

unoajeansworkSo, I’ve been working on a pair of Unoa sized jeans, and they have proven to be very frustrating. I am using the Unoa jeans pattern in Dolly Dolly 6 (The coordinate recipe thing). Anyway the instructions have you doing the waistband in a rather strange and fanciful way which I am still trying to wrap my head around. I gave up on trying to do the fly their way and just came up with my own way, which in the end made the waistband pattern piece too short, so I had to cut a new, longer one. My other issues with the jeans right now is that they are a little bit too big. I know that the Unoa dolls measurements are just a tiny bit bigger than the AE minis, so apparently that single centimeter in the hips matters just enough. :p

I really, really hate sewing jeans to be honest. I would much rather just buy them, but alas I lack the funds. Maybe I would like sewing jeans better if I had more practice with them so I could just belt them out like I do shirts. It would also probably help if I liked the material I was working with a little more. I picked the pale jean material up because it was on the remnants rack and the remnants were 50% off that day. Oh well, I should probably get back to work on these so I can actually finish them sometime this century. :p

Dolly Dolly Volume 16 Arrived!

dollydollymsdpageActually my Dolly Dolly book arrived on Saturday, and I just now got around to scanning in the page that features the MSD clothes. Anyway the pic to the left features the separates you can make in MSD size, to see a bigger pic, just click the pic. There are also a lot of other doll patterns in this book for other sized dolls, but you could definitely resize the patterns to fit any doll.

There are lots of other cool DIY stuff in this book as well. There is a whole feature on making fake sweets for your dolls, and also a nice feature on how to make fake silver jewelry for your doll using a special silver art clay. I don’t know if you can get the silver at clay state-side or not, but it looks like fun. There is also a bunka style doll project you can attempt as well. Aside from all the DIY projects there are tons and tons of awesome dolly pics that can give you lots of ideas for projects. There’s quite a lot of Blythe in the book, but there is also a good amount of BJDs and a smattering of other dolls. I must say that I just enjoy picking it up and thumbing through it just for the eye candy. 😀 I would definitely consider buying more of this book as it’s just plain awesome and fun! Just to note though, it’s all in Japanese, so to get the full benefit you need to be able to read Japanese.

Dolly Dolly Volume 16

I ordered a copy of Dolly Dolly Vol. 16 from Bk1 tonight. I had been interested in the book ever since I knew it had a wealth of MSD sized patterns in it. Bk1 says it will be 1-3 days before it ships, but now right after I ordered it, the site says 7-21 days! I sincerely hope that for me it’s the 1-3 days, and it’s just in a warehouse somewhere. I’ve ordered from Bk1 before though and they’ve never done me wrong, so I will remain hopeful that I will have my book sometime by the end of next week. Anyway if you can read Japanese and have been searching for this book, you can still order it through Bk1 here:

You will need to know enough Japanese to navigate the check-out menu though. Bk1 by far has it the cheapest at only 2000yen, but if you don’t know Japanese you can also order it from BeNippon, but it will be a little more expensive. Here is the link to the BeNippon site:

Happy Shopping!