Incoming dolls and other nonsense.

So, I decided to go for it, Taren’s sweet face and the sale compelled me to splurge on him. My order went in on August 18th and according to the forums the wait time for Withdoll is 2-3 months. Hopefully he will be in my hands before Xmas, and I really hope he arrives before I go out of town in January on a family vacation. I ordered him in the realskin UV as I decided it was time for me to branch out beyond all of the “normal skin” dolls. 😉 The idea of the sunscreen in a resin with translucence is what sold me though. I just hope it is as beautiful in person as I have seen in photographs. Taren will also be my first MSD boy, and he is filling a space in the collection that sorely needed filled. This means of course that I will need to shop for MSD boys clothes in the meantime so he doesn’t have to sit around naked. If anyone has any suggestions on which brands fit withdoll boys really well I’d love to hear them.

Aside from Taren, I’ve decided I am going to give it another try to order a Mio head. I will be participating in a new Dollmore GO that the same organizer is handling. I figure if I will ever be able to get a Mio head from a group order, it is going to be with this person! Haha, thankfully they have a good humor about it.

So with all that, I have to say this must end my doll purchases for 2013. I forbid myself from purchasing any more dolls until after the new year. *sigh* there are just so many pretty dolls and so little time and money to have them all.