More Ash Spam!

I posted a few new images to my flickr account which you can view by clicking the flickr icon in the sidebar of the blog. I really think this is just such a great sculpt that it deserves a lot more attention. As always, with unknown dolls, they just don’t receive any love, especially on DoA. 🙁 I posted a thread in the gallery earlier today and I think I’m well on my way to having no views and no comments because people seem to be automatically not interested in newer, unknown sculpts. I say booooo to that! So yeah I’m going to spam it up with Ash. I just hope his new pants and alternate wig show up soon so I have more fodder and an excuse for shooting more pics.

Ash has arrived!

As I expected my new SD13 sized boy from Mudoll arrived today. I went nuts on this purchase and bought the whole thief fullset, and I must confess it was really nice to actually get clothes with your doll for a change. Anyhow read on for the box opening pics and to read my commentary on Mudoll’s quality and service and such.

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