I finally gave in. ^^;

Haha, yeah, I have a new doll that will be arriving in the future, and it is Mudoll’s Ash thief fullset. I also ordered my brownie a new wig and a cute pair of pink boots in the process though, so at least my Brownie will be less of a hobo! XD I have no idea when my new doll might ship or anything since I am still waiting for my payment to go through with Mudoll. I think I’m probably going to be anxious until I know that they’ve got my money since I had to initiate payment through paypal. Anyhow, as soon as I see that the payment status has been updated on the site, I am thinking I might go and order a fur wig from Sunny’s World, and possibly a MSD outfit for Sona, but we’ll see. I think she needs shoes more than anything since her big old feet won’t fit in any of my Yara’s shoes. XP Well That’s all there is to report, I just hope my wait isn’t long!

EDIT: Yay! My payment was received!