I posted a few new images to my flickr account which you can view by clicking the flickr icon in the sidebar of the blog. I really think this is just such a great sculpt that it deserves a lot more attention. As always, with unknown dolls, they just don’t receive any love, especially on DoA. 🙁 I posted a thread in the gallery earlier today and I think I’m well on my way to having no views and no comments because people seem to be automatically not interested in newer, unknown sculpts. I say booooo to that! So yeah I’m going to spam it up with Ash. I just hope his new pants and alternate wig show up soon so I have more fodder and an excuse for shooting more pics.
Ash has arrived!
As I expected my new SD13 sized boy from Mudoll arrived today. I went nuts on this purchase and bought the whole thief fullset, and I must confess it was really nice to actually get clothes with your doll for a change. Anyhow read on for the box opening pics and to read my commentary on Mudoll’s quality and service and such.
A sorta 1:12 scale mattress for a BJD tutorial
I call this a “sorta” mattress tutorial because I have left out some steps picture wise and also this may not necessarily be the best way to make a bed mattress, but it’s how I worked through some construction issues after making my 1:6 scale doll bed and mattress. I thought I would share my experiments just in case they might be helpful to others, as knowledge can always be built upon to create even greater things! If you happen to have some better ideas on mattress construction feel free to comment and share them! Anyway now on with the sorta tutorial!
My new doll is on it’s way!
When I checked my email this evening I had received notice from Mudoll that my order has been shipped! To be honest I was a little surprised, as doll orders usually take at least a few weeks. Maybe it was because he’s a fullset doll they already had some made up? Anyhow I am pleased none the less! I don’t have any idea on his arrival time since the tracking number isn’t working yet. I’ll wait until tomorrow to try again, then hopefully there might be more information on when I can expect my package. 😀
EDIT: I checked my tracking number this morning and my package is already in Chicago. 😀 This means it will be here soon, either tomorrow or Thursday I imagine.
Chair Refurbishment Project
If you remember from a previous post, I said I was working on rehabbing a couple of pieces of dollhouse furniture. Well today I finally finished up the refurbishment on the chair and I feel I was pretty successful! It took a little experimentation to get it the way it is now, and it has a few flaws, but overall I’m pleased and I also learned a lot about making miniature furniture as well. You can read on behind the cut to see the different phases of construction and how I worked through some issues.