I was more than shocked today to find that my Sona arrived! Her tracking number still didn’t seem to be working on the EMS site, so I thought for sure that her progress must have been slow and I truly wasn’t expecting her until next week. As it is she must have been on an airplane that landed in Chicago for her to get to me so soon. Anyway I was totally excited and I am more than pleased with her. Box opening pics follow behind the cut!
More of Cookie’s Progress
I’ve added more clay and have done more modeling to Cookie’s torso. I think her torso is really starting to come along and by working on the torso first I think it is helping me get a feel for the La-Doll clay. I also started sanding and shaping the legs a little bit. The left leg can totally stand on it’s own, which was a happy moment for me, but her other leg cannot since I realized that somehow the foot got cocked in an odd direction, so I’m going to have a big repair job there. Pretty soon I’d like to find a ball form to get the hips joints done so I can better shape the hip joint sockets. I’d like to do as much as I can with the styrofoam core still in the body, because La-Doll is so light, it makes me fear that I might crush it when sanding if the core wasn’t in there. I’m probably being ridiculous though. Afterall Yoshida’s dolls are all OOAK BJDs made from La-Doll, and are not cast, so obviously they can hold up!
In a bit of other news, I got notification that my Dollmore Kid Sona shipped! Still waiting for the tracking number to work, but I am excited that she is on her way! 🙂