New Mohair Wigs

It’s not the best picture because it’s overcast and rainy today, and well I didn’t put much effort into the picture, but my mohair wigs from Kemper Dolls finally showed up today. I bought this little 6-7 carrot mohair wig in a cute bob style to try on my AE Yara, and I bought another one in black in a 7-8 for my Dollmore Sona when she arrives. I think the shorter hair style makes makes my Yara look older, which was the goal. When I first put it on I wasn’t really so sure about the wig, but it’s growing on me and I think with some more styling it could be pretty cute. I didn’t bother taking the black one out of the bag yet because I figure I’ll wait until my Sona arrives.

Anyway overall I think the quality of Kemper Dolls mohair wigs are very good, and I can definitely recommend their wigs for that, especially since I got the carrot wig on sale for only $7.00! However their customer service left a little to be desired frankly. I ordered the wigs a little over a week ago and they have a order tracking section on their website which strangely they never updated, so I was left thinking that my order was still in “processing” all week. Finding this odd for items that were supposed to be in stock, I decided to email them, but they didn’t get back to me very quickly, and after sending them another email today, finally something got kicked out and I was finally given my UPS tracking number. Apparently the order had been shipped on the 7th, but they just neglected to tell me or give my tracking number. As it is I got my tracking number literally a few hours before the package showed up.

In the end I received good quality wigs, and within a reasonable amount of time, but it irritated me that their communication was poor, since most other sellers I have dealt with have been prompt and good communicators. Perhaps I shouldn’t be so fussy, but well, that was my experience so you can take it for what it’s worth.