Kid Dollmore Cecile

0820430002282I’ve been mooning over this adorable little guy ever since I visited Dollmore’s website again. He’s the boy version of their kid Dollmore sculpt called Cecile, and he looks absolutely precocious! What’s more is that he is also only $216 without face-up, and compared to other doll companies, that is a little on the less expensive side. I’ve been thinking lately that I’d like to try to save up for him. I thought he might be a cute companion for my AE Yara, though my Yara has the old style body, which means she has more of a Unoa’s proportions. Cecile is more “traditional” MSD sized. Maybe I’ll look on flickr for MSD/Unoa comparisons for a guide.

Anyway I’m going to let myself think on it a while though, because until I saw Cecile, I had been wanting the Pullip Kaela, so we’ll see if I cool a little bit to the sculpt over time. Also I have absolutely nothing in Boys MSD size, so if I don’t want a nude hobo doll I’d need to be able to afford a decent pair of shoes and some starter clothes as well. XP

Vintage 1995 Sailor Moon Dolls on eBay

pserenadoll02I’m selling off some of my old Sailor Moon dolls that are new in their boxes that I not longer want or I have doubles of. Currently I have the full size Princess Serena and Rubeus dolls up on ebay, and also a 6 inch version of Sailor Moon, all made by Irwin Toys. Bidding prices start at $5.00 for the full size doll and $2.00 for the 6inch doll, which I think are very reasonable considering the prices of the other doll listings. I am also planning on putting a few more up before the day is done, and maybe even some of my Card Captor Sakura dolls. If you are interested in a doll and you don’t want to go through eBay, let me know and maybe we can strike up a deal. I accept pay pal only though!

You can visit my ebay page here:

And see all of my listings here:

Iplehouse Wig


I bought this Iplehouse wig off of a seller on DoA for my Nina. I don’t know what it is, but Iplehouse and Leekeworld wigs always look so fantastic to me. Anyway I have the fear that it will be a little bit too long for Nina, but I figure I can always give it a trim, since it’s in the style I want. I just hope it looks good on her when it arrives! To be honest her stock wig isn’t that great, so I imagine anything would be an improvement.

Dolly Find – Eraser Miniatures


Ack! I realized that I have been neglecting this blog! Lately I’ve been trying to focus a little more on my comic work, so it’s making my other hobbies suffer. I am hoping though to be able to have a chance this weekend to play around with my dollhouse and the new miniatures I have gotten for it. Then maybe I can post some pics! I also have a DIY Pullip Bed post I need to make at some point as well…..Anyway on with the eraser miniatures though.

I found these “crazerasers” in the Easter section at Target the other day. They are around with all of the Easter Basket toys. Anyhow these are the perfect scale for Pullip & Dal, and they are cheap at only $1.19 a set. Besides the two sets seen here they also had a bathroom item set, some sports sets and another food set that I have forgotten about. Now as cute as these are there are a couple drawbacks, but I think the drawbacks can be forgiven for the cheap price. Drawback one is that the little separate pieces, like the sausages in the fry pan, actually have a little nub underneath them which plugs into a hole in the skillet. If you, like me, do not want the nub, you could just carefully carve it off with a Xacto blade since they are erasers. The other drawback is that they are going to need some trimming, as some pieces will have a little fringe at their seam edges from the molds. Again though that is easy to take care of with an Xacto blade.