Pullip’s House – More Progress!


I actually made this progress a few days ago, and now I am away for Thanksgiving, so I won’t be able to work on the house for a few days. Either way as you can see that the roof is on and I’ve begun painting it. At this point we also have the wheels on it which are hidden under the base. The trim around the windows on the inside of the dormer have also been done, and what you can’t see in this picture is that the doors have been cut and we are fitting them to each doorway. I can’t wait to be able to return home to work on it again!

Hobby Lobby is having a sale this week though, all miniatures are 50% off, so I went out before we left town and cleaned them out of wood flooring and baseboard trim, LOL. Anyway if you have a Hobby Lobby in your area you might go check it out. 🙂 I also forgot to mention in my last posting that emery boards are very good for sanding small spaces. I used them for sanding on those small corners and such on the dormer.