Face-up Removal – Winsor Newton Brush Cleaner vs. Acetone


I finally got around to trying the Winsor Newton Brush Cleaner everyone seems to rave about on the forums and I thought I would share my experiences with using it for the first time. To begin with I have to say I am very skeptical of any sort of “miracle product”, which is how this stuff is made out to be, but I did find myself quite pleasantly surprised!

I used the brush cleaner to remove my Luli’s old face-up the other weekend when my Zaoll arrived, and I really was amazed because after rubbing the face-up with a cotton ball soaked in the stuff, the face-up started wiping away quite easily. You do have to apply a little bit of elbow grease however in comparison to using acetone, so it may take a few minutes more to wipe the entire face. The benefits to using the Winsor and Newton Brush Cleaner is that is doesn’t contain harsh chemicals that can potentially eat the resin. I’ve also read where people will let their doll heads soak in a solution of the stuff without incident, but eh…I’m not willing to try that yet. The drawback would be that it is going to take you longer, but I think if that’s the payoff for having a safer less harsh chemical, so be it.

I do want to say a word about being able to get into the tiny crevices of your doll with the cleaners though, because they differ here too. If you are trying to get dark corners out of mouths with the brush cleaner alone, it is going to be hard. For the most part on my Lusis I am regaled to using an old detail paintbrush to try to rub the cleaner in her mouth corners. You really have to apply pressure to remove heavier paints, and of course it’s difficult to apply pressure with a tiny paintbrush. In the end I gave up and gave the hard to reach crevices a wipe with the acetone since acetone can easily break down paints without any scrubbing.

In the end I think the Winsor and Newton Brush Cleaner is a great tool to have in your arsenal, but I wouldn’t ditch your acetone either. I find that Acetone can be helpful in removing tough spots left behind by the brush cleaner. You may be thinking then, well why buy the brush cleaner, why not just use acetone and be done with it? Well I shall tell you why….Each time you use acetone it does eat away at the surface of the resin, albeit in small unnoticeable minute amounts. However over time that wear can add up, so the more you can get away with cleaning a head without it, the better for the resin. If you only use acetone for small touch-ups, then that means less damage to the resin.

I realize everyone kind of has their own opinions when it comes to face-up removals, but I think I will continue to use the brush cleaner, and still hang onto my acetone for the tough business. I definitely will be glad to get away with using less acetone and I know my fingers will be glad for it too!

Going to be making a small adjustment to the blog name.

I just wanted to mention it here so nobody is caught off guard, but I plan to change the blog name to Little Stars slowly over the next week or so. I feel it better matches the blog which is mostly about dolls and dollhouses. Originally when I had first started this blog I had been into making my own handmade paper and stuff, hence the “paper” in “paper stars”. Now my paper crafting has taken a backseat to all of my doll clothing and miniature making. 🙂 This name change will also make the blog match better to the clothing line I started in my etsy shop as well. The last thing that will change is the site banner since it will be the most difficult part to edit.

No Mio, so sad and frustrated…. TAT

As I blogged about earlier, I was expecting a Mio head to turn my Zaoll into a hybrid. I thought she had arrived today, but no she didn’t, I was SENT THE WRONG HEAD! It’s like after waiting for over a month to get my head from this group order, and then for it to be the wrong head I mean it really wrecked my day and potentially my whole weekend. I even laid in extra supplies to do a face-up next week. I just feel so defeated right now.

I already sent a PM to the group order organizer on DoA to see if anything can be done, but as of right now I have yet to hear back. I really hope that I can send it back and that a new head can be sent in it’s place even if I have to pay extra shipping, because it’s better than wasting another $100 on ordering a new head, PLUS the additional EMS shipping charge on top of that.

I believe looking at the sculpt that I was sent the Miso sculpt and not the Mio sculpt, and no offense to Miso owners, but I do not like her sculpt, she is not to my taste. Besides that I just really really really want my Mio. *lays down and cries*

New Face-up for Luli

My Unoa Lusis had been in need of a new face-up due to the fact that somehow I had managed to accidentally chip off some of her blushing under her chin. I imagine it happened when she was being changed in and out of clothes. In the future I am going to have to be more careful, and I should probably remove her faceplate before fitting new clothes on her. Sadly her body blushing is much worse for chipping, so eventually I plan to just remove it all except for non-problem areas like the bust and tummy. I’d really like to have some blushing on her hands and feet though so I guess I’ll just have to be sure to topcoat it really really well.

Anyhow back to the face-up….I wanted to keep her similar to what she was previously, but I ended up lining her eyes a little more darkly, and I don’t think I got the blush vivid enough this time, but I still think she looks very pretty overall. Below is a shot of her faceplate before I glossed it and put it back on her head.


And here she is, all ready to go….


While I was doing her face-up I also thought I would try to do my Zaoll luv’s face-up as well, but I ended up screwing up the lashes, so in the end I decided to wipe Zaoll’s face. Actually I felt that working with the Zaoll Luv sculpt to be kind of difficult, and it made me realize just how much I enjoy working with the Unoa sculpt. I’m not giving up on my Zaoll Luv though, I will conquer her sculpt eventually! Though I need to get some more sealer. I think I may try to go see if my local Hobby Town USA carries MSC, if not I’ll probably pick up some more Testor’s Model Masters. I’m really curious to try MSC though since everyone raves about it.


Well here is a comparison shot of the two face-ups, the old one on the left and the new one on the right. I kinda miss her lazy looking eyes in the old one, lol….but I do like her new face too. 🙂

Zaoll Luv Box Opening

So color me surprised when I woke up Friday morning, but my Zaoll had arrived! \(*0*)/ Because I never received a shipping notice or package tracking from Dollmore I just assumed my doll had not shipped yet and I would have to wait until at least their summer vacation was over to hear anything. It was a pleasant surprise though and I’m definitely not complaining about getting my doll sooner rather than later. Anyway on with the pics! Be warned this is going to be pic heavy!


So….BOX! Of course my cat is ever curious. 😉 I love it when cats show up in other people’s box openings, so here’s my contribution, lol.


And it’s open….I ordered a few clothing bits from Dollmore as well since I didn’t want my Zaoll to be completely clothes-less before I get a chance to make her anything.


Here’s the freebies this time around. Looks like I got a little mesh shopping bag a couple of doll headbands with bows and a pretty decent pair of brown glass eyes that have a little bit of shimmer about them. I’m not sure what size they are though, but if they are the right size I may wind up using those instead of the black eyes I selected in my order.


Wooo~ the gold Dollmore box. 😀


Any removing the top cushion reveals the mummy inside! I kind of felt like I was tomb raiding or something when I saw this, especially with the gold box and a mummy shaped figure inside. Ha, that might be a funny idea for a photoshoot…but gods I would need more space before I could pull that off.


And here we have the first glimpse of the girl. 🙂 Dollmore really goes out of their way to pack their dolls. I’m going to have to say that this Zaoll was by far the best packed doll I’ve ever received.


One of the things I really like about the Zaoll sculpt are the hands. I always like it when there is a little bit of fingernail tips sculpted at the end of the fingers. Plus these hands also have a nice graceful pose. Unoa’s hands are still by far my favorite in terms of female hands though.


Ok, so now it’s time for comparisons and such. Here she is between my Sona and Unoa Lusis. I am actually really super happy about the size of the doll. When I originally saw the box I had a little but of uh-oh feels because I thought she might be too big of a doll for my tastes. Really I think I am an MSD girl, but I really loved Dollmore’s Mio sculpt so I thought since the Zaoll body is smaller maybe I can have my Mio and a smaller doll. So far it looks like I can! I’m still waiting for my Mio head to arrive and then this Zaoll is getting hybridized.


So, resin comparisons…On the left is my Dollmore Kid Sona, and Zaoll on the right of course. So, it is true, Zaoll has a pinkie tone to her resin. My Sona though is maybe around 4 years old now, so it’s possible she could have some yellowing, but in all honesty I don’t feel her resin has changed in color since the day I got her. Overall I think as far as my hybrid goes, I will just blush my Mio’s head a little bit to match the pink tone of the Zaoll skin. To be honest, after you get a doll fully clothed I don’t think most people would half notice the difference in photographs…especially since the shadow that happens between the head and the chin is enough of a demarcation line. I’ll take plenty of photos of course for reference once I get my Mio head. 🙂


So, as far as single joint dolls go, I’m inclined to be of the mindset that she is very well designed because as you can see I was able to make her touch her face. Of course her hand is resting on her chin which helps, but I also had her with her hand in her hair and a finger to her lips.


Her torso joint is very stiff right now, but you can make her bend forward a little. I don’t mind a stiff torso too much, because lately I’ve noticed that my Sona’s torso joint has been slipping a bit much. I have some cold temperature hot glue though so a bunch of my dolls will be getting hot glue sueded soon.


Here she is again, this time with her torso turned a little bit to the right. So far she is a pretty good poser and stands and sits well. I haven’t had too much time to mess around with her yet since I have so many other things to do right now, but if I have any other reports to make I will definitely blog about them. 🙂


So, lastly I’ll say a few words about the clothing I bought for her. To begin with the SD girl’s raglan shirt I bought her fits her well. They say that Zaoll loses more of her height in her legs which are a bit shorter it looks like than most SD dolls. I also bought a vrilla skirt, and a pair of white shoes, all which fit well. The Justo pants however, which are the jean pants in the picture, well they are a bit long, which is fine if you are looking for a longer sort of boot-cut style. All in all they fit well around the waist, but length wise if this is not what you are looking for then I probably wouldn’t bother with these pants.