My new doll is on it’s way!

When I checked my email this evening I had received notice from Mudoll that my order has been shipped! To be honest I was a little surprised, as doll orders usually take at least a few weeks. Maybe it was because he’s a fullset doll they already had some made up? Anyhow I am pleased none the less! I don’t have any idea on his arrival time since the tracking number isn’t working yet. I’ll wait until tomorrow to try again, then hopefully there might be more information on when I can expect my package. 😀

EDIT: I checked my tracking number this morning and my package is already in Chicago. 😀 This means it will be here soon, either tomorrow or Thursday I imagine.

Chair Refurbishment Project

If you remember from a previous post, I said I was working on rehabbing a couple of pieces of dollhouse furniture. Well today I finally finished up the refurbishment on the chair and I feel I was pretty successful! It took a little experimentation to get it the way it is now, and it has a few flaws, but overall I’m pleased and I also learned a lot about making miniature furniture as well. You can read on behind the cut to see the different phases of construction and how I worked through some issues.

Read On

Dollmore Lukia Dolls

I just noticed the news posting about these two girls on BJD Collectasy, and I’m so excited about these cuties that I thought I’d post about them here as well. These new girls named Coral and Sky are only 32 cm tall, but have mature bodies that seem reminiscent of obitsu bodies. The oversized head for me also screams Pullip, and the lips seem like they have a little Dal pout going on. Unlike Pullip and obitsu though, these dolls are resin cast.

Because I’m curious to know if these girls will be able to wear fashion doll clothing, I decided to investigate some fashion doll measurements to compare, and the news is heartening!

Lukia Doll Measurements

Height : 32cm
Eyes : 20~24mm
Circumference of Head : 22cm (8-9inches sized wigs fit well)
Circumference of neck : 4cm
Circumference of chest : 13.3cm
Width of shoulders: 6cm
Circumference of waist :8cm
Circumference of hips : 12.3cm
Length of “from hips to ankle” : 17.5cm
Length of “from knee to ankle” : 7.7cm
Foot size : 2.6cm based on heeled feet

Liv Doll Measurements

Height: 30.48 cm (12 in)
Head Circumference: 16 cm (6.29 in)
Neck Circumference: 4.5 cm (1.77 in)
Shoulder Width: 5 cm (1.96 in)
Shoulder to Wrist: 8.5 cm (3.34 in)
Elbow to Wrist: 4 cm (1.57 in)
Back Length: 6.5 cm (2.56 in)
Chest Circumference: 12.5 cm (4.92 in)
Waist Circumference: 9 cm (3.54 in)
Hip Circumference: 11.5 cm (4.52 in)
Hip to Knee: 8.5 cm (3.34 in)
Knee to Ankle: 6.5 cm (2.55 in)
Ankle Circumference: 3 cm (1.18 in)
Feet Size: 2.5 cm (0.98 in)

Barbie’s measurements are also comparable as well, so it looks like there is real potential for these dolls to wear some fashion doll clothing, though it will probably be half experimentation to find out what works properly as anyone who’s experience with Pullips would know!

Currently you can order Coral or Sky, both of which are full-sets and come with everything you see in the picture for $327. For a full-set that includes shoes and two sets of feet amongst everything else, it doesn’t seem too bad, though I do have to wonder if they will offer basic sets of Lukia in the future. Either way I’ll definitely be putting Lukia on my list of dolls to keep any eye on, and I can’t wait to see owner photos of them!

A Bit of Progress on Dollhouse Furniture.

After ordering the new wig and shoes for my Brownie, it made me realize that I’ve been neglecting my 1:12 scale dollhouse. I’ve got a lot on my plate right now, but I wanted to at least try to get a little more work done on it. Since my drawing table is covered in other projects, I decided I would work on some of the furniture since I have a few nearly completed rooms anyway.

The bed on the left was the original bed that my grandfather made. It had been painted numerous times, so tonight I sanded it down to ready it for a more even paint job. It looks kind of interesting all distressed though! On the right is an old dark wood Victorian chair that was bought many years ago. I didn’t really care for the dark wood and pink cushions, so I went ahead and peeled off the original cushion parts and then sanded the wood before beginning to prime it. Right now I’m in the middle of priming it with a couple coats of gesso. I think in the long run it will help the paint adhere better to the surface and also will help me save money on more artist paints. I think the goal is to give it two coats of gesso, then paint it white. I’m also planning on adding a little detail painting around the carvings which I’ll probably do in silver since it will match the pale blue and white room the best….though I suppose gold isn’t totally out of the question. Ultimately I would like the chair to look a little more French and a little less Victorian England.

After I get everything painted I will choose a new fabric to “re-upholster” the chair with. I planned on just covering the original pieces, but we’ll see how that goes. I wouldn’t want the pink to show through anything. Just to be on the safe side, I think I might go ahead and trace all the forms on paper to save, should I need to remake anything from scratch.

I guess that’s about it. I’ll probably put another coat of gesso on the chair tonight, but I have to wait and paint until I can get to the craft store and get some more paint. I think giving myself this little doll related project will also help me get over the waiting for my new doll and dolly goodies! Not that I don’t have a ton of other things to do though! XD

I finally gave in. ^^;

Haha, yeah, I have a new doll that will be arriving in the future, and it is Mudoll’s Ash thief fullset. I also ordered my brownie a new wig and a cute pair of pink boots in the process though, so at least my Brownie will be less of a hobo! XD I have no idea when my new doll might ship or anything since I am still waiting for my payment to go through with Mudoll. I think I’m probably going to be anxious until I know that they’ve got my money since I had to initiate payment through paypal. Anyhow, as soon as I see that the payment status has been updated on the site, I am thinking I might go and order a fur wig from Sunny’s World, and possibly a MSD outfit for Sona, but we’ll see. I think she needs shoes more than anything since her big old feet won’t fit in any of my Yara’s shoes. XP Well That’s all there is to report, I just hope my wait isn’t long!

EDIT: Yay! My payment was received!