Dolly/Dollhouse Find.

I saw a tip on Youtube that told of miniature cookie cutters in a packet of mini buttons at Michael’s, so I went out looking for them in the afternoon and ta-da I found them. This set is a Xmas set and is mostly mini buttons, which isn’t a bad thing if you like to make clothes for Brownies, PukiPukis or Lati Whites. The really awesome thing though is the miniature cookie cutters that come with the set that you can see shining silver in the packet. These cookie cutters aside from being good miniature fodder have the potential to be good polymer clay cutters for making your own homemade mini cookies. I haven’t had a chance to try them out yet, but I will note that they are made of plastic which is unfortunate. Anyway when I get a chance to try them out I will be sure to make a follow up posting about it, or I will edit the information here.

New Craft Book Arrived

While I was ordering my brother’s birthday gift on Amazon, I went ahead and ordered myself this adorable “Felt Friends from Japan” book. I think it was the felt fawn on the front that really sold it for me, but it also boasts 86 toys and accessories you can make yourself. I haven’t had a chance to make anything out of the book yet since I’m still trying to finish the miniature dishes I posted about earlier, but the book looks very promising

This book has a nice mix of toy patterns as well as accessory patterns for things like coin purses and such. Aside from having patterns to make all of the different kinds of toys, it also has pages of cutout guides for making your own felt applique badges to add to whatever you like. The sewing instructions have lots of pictorial diagrams on how to do things so it should be fairly easy to follow. It also dedicates a page to beginner info on how to do certain embroidery stitches that are used to embellish your felt toys, as well as other tips for beginners. There are also a heaping helping of beautiful, clear images of tons of the cute creations, so the book also has the addes bonus of being full of eye candy.

Making 1:12 Scale Polymer Clay Dishes

I felt like making a set of custom dishes for my 1:12 scale dollhouse, so after reviewing some tutorials online I played around with creating some plates and bowls. I ended up having a lot of fun and sorta getting in the zone while creating these that I ended up making quite a lot. XD

At this point all of the plates and bowls have been fired and I’m working on sanding and refining them. The beige plates turned out a little darker after firing than I wanted. I was aiming for more of an off-white plate, so I may wind up painting them a lighter color. I also have plans to attempt to paint some designs on all of the plates. The beige plates I made specifically to match my kitchen and I wanted to do a red mushroom motif on them. I’m not certain what I want to do with the white plates and bowls. Originally I imagined doing something a little shabby chic looking, but the style of dishes might not lend to that. Maybe it’s time to review Crate and Barrel’s dish designs, lol.

I think I made more than I need, and I kind of feel like experimenting more with the polymer clay, so I may wind up making some of these to sell as well. If I do offer any for sale I’ll be sure to make a posting.

New Photoshoot

Ash’s new wig and cargo pants arrived a couple days ago and I just now got around to snapping some new pics of him. The wig and the pants both came from Sunny’s World. Overall it was a really good transaction and the pants are especially wonderful for the price. The wig is a really great color and matches Ash’s face-up really well, but I was a little surprised to find that the wig is a little thin. I think since Ash kind of has a big head compared to other SD13 sized boys, that a fuller wig will be better. Other than being thin though, the color is great and it’s very soft and manageable.

Anyway if you’d like to see all of the new photo’s I’ve uploaded, you can find them in my flickr. You can click the flickr icon in the right sidebar to go there, or here is the link as well.

Bedding Finished!

I finished the bedding this afternoon and I decided to put the bed together and snap a few pics of it in the upstairs bedroom of the dollhouse. I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out, though I think I may make some some more throw pillows to fill out the bed a little more. I posted a few more pictures of the room and my Brownie Haha in my flickr account which you can check out here:

At this point I need to focus on drawing, so I’m putting away the dollhouse until possibly this weekend. I’d like to finish out the bedroom a little more, but I still have to put in some flooring and wallpaper, so I should probably focus on that stuff before I do more decorative things. Well, enough rambling! Time to do my comic work.