Slinky Neko Borry Arrived!

So, my very first YOSD sized doll has finally arrived! I was so happy to open up the mailbox and find her box waiting for me. :3 She is the perfect fit for “The Big House”. XD In fact I think she works better with some of the furniture than my Pullip, Dal and Blythe do! Unfortunately because of the time of day I wasn’t able to get any really great shots of her in the dollhouse since the room it’s in faces West and gets better lighting in the later afternoon. Anyhow, getting back to business, I bought this Borry Penny Brite fullset off of a seller on DoA. It was my first time buying a doll from the marketplace so I was a little anxious, but the seller was awesome and shipped ridiculously quickly. This isn’t my first time buying a secondhand doll however since I did buy my Lusis from Mandarake.

I figure I would go ahead and write up a little review of sorts on the doll itself, and I also plan to share some body pictures with you since Slinky Neko body images are kind of hard to find. So, first of all, the Penny Brite fullset is quite cute and definitely high quality. The set consisted of shoes, socks, dress, bloomers, chemise, hat and wig. Of course the doll came with stock dark green eyes, extra fist hands, and a rosy cheeked face-up. I would have to say, given the opportunity, I would definitely buy Slinky Neko clothing since they are adorable and quite well made. I’m not sure if they ever offer just the clothing sets though.

Here she is in just the undergarments portion of the set, and I also tried a Kemper mohair wig on her. The wig I have is too big, but I’m really loving the dark hair on this girl, so I will probably be making another wig order to Kemper soon, lol. One thing to note about the Slinky Neko Babies is that they wear a 5/6 size wig unlike the typical 6/7 for many YOSD sized dolls. I should also mention that the face-up on this girl is fantastic. I love the bright rosy cheeks! Next up let’s talk about the body though…

Now I don’t have any other YOSDs to compare her too, I can only gauge things from images I have seen, but her body seems fairly comparable to your typical YOSD. Overall I was pleased that she had long slender limbs. She has all single joints, but despite this she still poses very well, and can touch her hands to her face and such. So I will say she has very well made single joints, since some single jointed dolls are unable to touch their faces, like my DIM Danbi for example. The only thing that puzzles me about this doll is hopefully illustrated in the picture below.

So, the lower half of Borry’s torso is very slender, but the upper portion, seems a little chunky by comparison. Also the lower half of the torso is seated so far up in the upper torso that it really doesn’t allow for much mobility. Again though I guess I should say that this is the only YOSD sized doll that I have, so I don’t know how this compares to others, but if I just look at my MSDs in comparison who have great mobility in their torso joint and no additional chunkiness, it just makes me think it’s odd. This doesn’t really lessen my enjoyment of her however, she is still a cute patoot, and I know I’m going to have a lot of fun sewing for her….that is after I get all of my comic illustration work done. ^^;;; The work never ends, but I guess that’s good. I am though seriously amped to do some dolly sewing and I think I have some ideas for cute tutus, and all of my girls could stand some basic leggings.

Well that’s it for now, hopefully if you were looking for information on the Slinky Neko baby body this was helpful to you!

Momocolor’s Emma

When I was browsing the news posts at BJDcollectasy the other day I noticed the posting for the doll company Momocolor. The face shape of the doll reminded me a little of Pullip, being so big and round, so I decided to read more and holy cow, look at that adorable body for the doll!! She’s a little on the tall side for a yosd range doll at a height of 29cm, but she is really nicely proportioned for a yosd range mature tiny. I’m going to have to keep this one on my “to watch” list. I’m curious to see what other head sculpts the company will come up with and also what the first round of owners of these cuties will think of them. Hopefully it won’t be too long before they have a discussion thread on DoA I can haunt, lol.

In other dolly news, I have now made my first foray into the yosd sized dolly world. Just a couple days ago I purchased a Slinky Neko Borry Pennybrite fullset off a seller on DoA and I am anxiously awaiting her arrival. If I had seen the Momocolor dolls before my purchase they definitely would have been in the running! I looked over so many different yosd sized dolls and there are still many sculpts out there I love, so I can foresee owning more than one yosd eventually. My other favorites were the Bambicrony and Aidolls, but even Luts had some cuties and I still have a soft spot for Dollzone’s big eyed Sis. Argh, so many dollies and not enough money!! XP

Momocolor’s website:

Unoa Lusis Body Blushing Done!

So, yep, as the title states, I finally finished blushing her and she’s all restrung now. Unfortunately despite being careful I already chipped the body blushing while taking these photos. :p However it’ll be in an area that’s clothed so I’m not feeling broken up about it. Really I’m just so glad to have her back together and looking fantastic. The wigs still need to be styled in these shots, but she is really coming together towards the look I want. :3

read behind the cut for full body pics

Unoa Lusis – New Face-up!

So, here she is finally with a new face! It seems like it took me forever, and I still wasn’t able to accomplish everything I wanted, but it’s a learning process and I am very happy with her. 🙂 I think she looks pretty awesome in the dark brown wig, but I also tried the red wig on her as well and she also looks good as a redhead. I’m not sure which wig she will get in the end. I figure I’ll decide that after I finish the body blushing. As it turns out, I botched the feet blushing twice due to sealant problems, and then I botched the face-up on the second face-plate due to my own error. :p Because of all this I am now out of sealer, so I will have to get a new can of sealer before I am able to finish the body blushing. Now that her face is done I’m super excited to put her back together and dress her up! Unfortunately it will rain tomorrow or I’d plow right through everything, but I’ll have a chance to work on her again this weekend. Anyway I’ll end by re-posting the pics I took of her when she first arrived to me so you can see the difference!

Progress on sanding my Unoa Lusis.

I finally cleaned off my drawing table today so I could start working on customizing my Lusis. I decided to start with her secondary faceplate, the one that has it’s mouth open a little wider. As you can see from the pic above, her open mouth is asymetrical with the right side being more open than the left. I decided I would do some carefully carving of the left corner of her mouth to give her more symmetry. To do this I decided I would use one of my clay carving tools that has a curved bladed edge that whereas it is sharp enough to carve, it isn’t as sharp as a exacto blade. You can see the tool I was working with in the picture.

Read on behind the cut