
I usually come late to the party in discovering new things, but here I’ll go ahead and gush over the cuteness of the mini Ddung dolls! Ddung is basically a young girl who is not yet school age and has aspirations of being Miss Korea when she gets older. She spends the majority of time at home with her mother who is an underwear designer and her father who is a doll designer.

The Ddung dolls come in two different sizes, mini and, er, regular size…heh. Mini dolls are tiny and about 3.5-4in tall. They work really well with re-ment and some sets even come with their own special miniatures! The mini Ddung also makes a nice sized baby sister doll to Pullip and Blythe as well.Another great thing about these dolls are the price. You can get a mini Ddung with miniature set for aroun $19-$22 so she is very affordable!

Anyway I find the minis so adorably cute that I think she will make it onto my Xmas list this year! If you want to find out more about Ddung you can visit the official English site for Ddung where there is also an online store….though perhaps with a little less merchandise than you can find on ebay. Here is the link:


On the site too are some cute flash animations featuring Ddung and her parents which are quite funny and worthwhile to check out as well. 🙂 One last thing I wanted to mention though is that after browsing around ebay for Ddung dolls I noticed quite a few bootleg copies of her coming out of China. In fact I really think there may be more bootlegs of her on ebay than licensed merch! Therefore you should probably do your homework before buying a Ddung off ebay, that and if a deal seems too good to be true or the sculpt doesn’t look quite right, then it’s probably a bootleg. I noticed though that a lot of the sellers with legit goods tend to hail from Korea and they like to put authentic in the title and have nice clear pics of the dolls in their original packaging.

Well that’s all for now, so happy hunting!

Site Facelift

I felt that it was time for a new look, so I started tweaking this cute little girly theme I found online. There are still a few things that need to be tweaked, but I think I will stick with this new look….for a while anyway, lol. I also plan on cleaning up the categories and reorganizing things a I feel the current categories aren’t sufficient enough for easy browsing. Finally I am also considering giving this blog a little name change. I’ve been thinking of changing it to something that could also be a decent “brand name” for when I start making doll clothes again. Beyond that a name that is closer to, or can be easily combined with my domain name would also be a good idea.

Who are we?


My mother and my aunt went to the thrift store this morning without me even though I wanted to go…such bad family! jk XD Anyhow my mother brought me home another random doll pack from there in which there were these two little pipsqueaks. These little girl’s are maybe 3.5-4 inches tall and have their original clothing. I looked on the backs of their heads and found an imprint stating that they were made by a U.D. Co. Inc. in 1977, in Hong Kong. I googled this information and the closest thing I can find are Uneeda’s Pee Wee dolls, which have the same body type, but the faces on these girls are very stylized and remind me of the popular stylized Asian doll faces from that era. The images I’ve seen of Uneeda’s Pee Wee dolls have more typical North American style doll faces.

I am going to keep searching to try to find out what kind of doll these little ones are. As it is their stylization and vintage feel about them appeals to me, so I cleaned them up a bit and have given them a spot on one of my shelves. In the same pack of dolls there was also a vintage looking tourist doll that looks like she is in German dress. She’s cute and has weighted sleeping eyes. She needs a little love though as some of the hair from her braids have come loose. I’ll fix her up and keep her too and if I get around to it I’ll be sure to snap a pic of her too.

Ended up Going for Sona!

0820430004502Yep, as the title states, I took the plunge so to speak and ordered a Kid Dollmore Sona, she will come with the eyes in the picture, but I ordered a black mohair wig for her…well let’s just say I requested it. I heard that Dollmore listens to your requests so I am hoping I get the black mohair wig. Now is the waiting game. ^^; I know Dollmore ships faster than most doll companies, but this is actually going to be the first doll I have ordered through the maker rather than a reseller. I know I have been spoiled by the fast shipping from places like Mint on Card and Junkyspot though. ^^;;;; So yeah I am prepared for a longer wait even though I hope for a short wait, lol.

Narrowing the Playing Field.

So I’ve taken Island Doll’s Amy off of my list of possibilities. The main reason why is that after doing some searching I found some threads on DoA and saw some owner pictures that leave a little bit to be desired. For some reason in a couple of the pics the doll’s faces looked shiny for some reason. Maybe it was just bad photography, but I don’t want a shiny doll, lol. The other reason I am taking her off my list is that out of the few who posted their box opening, their dolls arrived flawed. 🙁 One the foot broke off and the other had a broken finger. I realize these things can happen, and their problems were resolved to their likings, but when I see that kind of stuff it turns me off a little bit.

I’ve also decided to take 5star doll’s Yoka off my list because when viewing owner pictures I found her eyes to be a little too large for my tastes, though her pout is still very cute. I think really I have narrowed my list to Latiblue Yern and Kid Dollmore Sona, but I could always wind up adding more to the list again. I really like a lot of the Iplehouse head sculpts….but sheesh, the JID bodies are so very Amazonian. XD

Well, enough random blabber, time to go drool over dolls again….