SD sized dolls and dioramas….

So I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the big dolls since I fell in love with Mudoll’s Ash thief fullset. One of the hang-ups with the larger dolls are that I feel it’s awfully difficult to make a diorama for them, and you can only have a SD13 sized house if you yourself have a large enough house to accommodate since were probably talking about something being the size of a child’s playhouse. If you wanted to make a diorama for them it would need to be easily disassembled or foldable for storage purposes. I would think there would also be issues with scale in regards to craft wood…not to mention, creating something that large out of wood would be expensive and heavy.

Since I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion now that I no longer want to entirely abandon the larger sized doll, I’ve been thinking about how a diorama for photo-op purposes could be made on the cheap. Right now I’m considering cardboard for a trial run, since I recently bought a new flatscreen TV and therefore I have a bevy of extra thick cardboard that I think has the potential to be finished into a reasonable looking wall. I also imagine if I want to stick with paper products that mattboard and foam core board could possibly be use for trim, but with foam core you would need to have a way to give a smooth finish to the foam edge of the board. Also concerning trims, I imagine if you wanted to paper anything you would need to find an interesting heavyweight wrapping paper.

Anyway I’ve seen some people do some great things with just a little cardboard, paint and handiwork, so maybe it is possible. Either way I don’t plan on doing anything about it right this minute, but I will need to cut down my box so I can store the cardboard otherwise someone in the house might mistakenly throw it away!

Yara’s bad face-up and Sona’s new to her wig.

I wanted to give my Yara a new face-up, this time something a little bolder and with fresher colors, and well it turned out bolder all right, but it started heading in a direction that I ended up not liking. After having already wiped and re-primed twice because of eyebrow flubs, I decided to just continue with my third attempt since the brows turned out fine. In the end though I think it’s too garish and I have way too many little flubs and blunders all through the entire face-up. I’m going to wipe her face again soon and re-do it, but I probably won’t be able to get to it again for a few days, so she’s like she is for now. Anyhow I thought I’d post this bad face-up for posterity or something. XD

Also, Sona’s newness has wore off enough so I thought I would finally remove her original wig which was velcroed on by dollmore. I had bought this short blunt cut wig for her back when I first ordered her and I wasn’t positive I would get the wig I wanted. After trying it on her I think I’ll keep it on her for a while since the cut has a schoolgirl vibe to it that I think suits her well, and it’s also easier to manage.

Still thinking about new dolls as in my previous post, but every time I consider making a large frivolous purchase I always have to argue with myself over it for a week or so before I come to any conclusions. I did however take my DIM Danbi out of his box this afternoon, mostly with the intention of checking his condition for sale. After getting him out and looking him over and being newly shocked by his size again, I think I decided I should keep him because although he’s not double jointed, it is a nice body sculpt, so IF I did order the Ash fullset there could be the possibility of him using the DIM body which I think looks a little more manly than the mudoll body sculpt. Argh! Listen to me, I am still seriously considering it! o(>3<;)o

The new dolly itch…

I don’t really need another doll, and in fact I should probably just buy clothes and wigs for the ones I have, considering they are all hobos, but dangit I found an awesome doll! Mudoll’s thief Ash fullset is totally drool worthy, but he is also a 61cm doll and I told myself that I should downsize to MSDs AND I already have one 60cm boy who sits in his box 24-7-365…yeah it’s sad. He was my first too.

I think the only way I could allow myself another 60cm boy is to sell my DIM Danbi who sits in his box, but I wonder what sort of price he could fetch, or if he would even sell at all since he it a older doll. I can’t really accommodate multiple 60cm dolls, and if I were to have two, I would want to have a boy and a girl. Oh man….I just know I’m going to do something irresponsible. ^^;;;;;

A Very Disappointing Dolly Dealing

After seeing all of the good feedback of the artist Blinkeke (her DoA handle) who is behind MonstroDesigns I decided to make my first commission ever and I commissioned Blinkeke on DoA to make two wigs for my new Brownie. I commissioned the wigs back on January 15th and at that time she informed me that it would be 3-4 weeks before she could get it done. At that time I was in no hurry, and the price was right, so I had no problem waiting.

Around February 20th, it had been a little over a month since I ordered so I PM’d her on DoA to inquire about my order. She got back to me and told me that the wigs were done and she was just waiting for a sunny day to photograph them for me. So again I patiently waited, and now here in the middle of March, I finally hear back, and it’s not that she is requesting payment or preparing to send, but rather that she is ill and she has decided to cancel my order because it was too old!!

Needless to say I PM’d her back and expressed my disappointment in the business dealings, and that I was sorry, but I was going to have to leave her negative feedback on DoA for what I feel is flaking on my commission. I am very disappointed in what has happened, especially after I had only heard good things about her from others on DoA and elsewhere that she made quality wigs for tinies. I was expecting her to be professional and follow through with my order. I have to admit that this whole affair has soured me on commissioning artisans, and I definitely will not order from MonstroDesigns ever. I would also suggest anyone considering to commission her, to give it a second thought, and I certainly would not pay in advance for anything.

More Dollhouse Progress

Today I was finally able to finish off the main upstairs bedroom. You can see my wainscot in it’s finished and painted state there. The large window is actually a set of pseudo French doors that will open onto the little terrace that is part of the original house but has been removed for the time being. Aside from making an error in trimming, I am overall very pleased with house this room turned out. Now all I have to do is finish the rest of the house and get the room decorated. 🙂

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